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Commercial Kitchens Stay Cleaner with the Right Concrete Floor Coatings

calander Jun 5 , 2020 user-iconAnderson Painting
Anderson commercial concrete coating service

Cleanliness is of the utmost importance in commercial kitchens, but keeping things sanitary and organized is no small feat considering the level of traffic and activity that goes on in these spaces. There’s no question that keeping sinks, dishes, and equipment clean are all essential tasks, however, commercial kitchen floors cannot be ignored in these maintenance efforts either. Indeed, a dirty kitchen floor can quickly render the entire kitchen unsanitary and unsafe.

That said, cleaning kitchen floors day in and day out takes time and resources that could be spent on other duties. The less intensive this process, then, the better for business. As it turns out, investing in the right concrete painting floor sealing solutions can help you keep your commercial kitchen cleaner with less effort.

How Painting Keeps Commercial Kitchens Cleaner

The Problem with Dirty Commercial Kitchens Floors

Aside from being an eyesore, what’s so threatening about a dirty kitchen floor? Consider this: When dirt, dust, food residue, moisture, chemicals, and other materials end up on the floor, they can slowly degrade the floor’s integrity, create tripping hazards, attract pests and bacteria (which can spread infections within the kitchen and facility), cultivate uncomfortable working conditions for employees, reduce air quality, and more. And if these problems are left ignored for too long, the food itself can become contaminated. This is bad for your customers, your reputation, and might even result in large fines or more severe legal penalties upon inspection.

If all of this sounds like bad news, let’s explore how some new flooring can help.

How Concrete Painting and Flooring Make a Difference in Commercial Kitchens

Outdated and unprotected concrete floors are highly porous, allowing various particles to get inside its structure and cause further damage such as cracking and spalling. There is no efficient or completely effective way to clean floors in this condition, as cleaning tools cannot extract the contaminants that have gone deep enough, nor magically reverse the damage that’s already been done. In other words, if you want to keep your commercial kitchen clean, you must repair or replace the floor and apply some new commercial floor paint or other sealing solution.

A freshly sealed floor can yield several benefits, all of which promote the hygiene and safety of your flooring and commercial kitchen overall. These benefits include:

  • Establishing a smooth, non-porous surface which makes sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping more effective and quicker
  • Quality coatings are resistant to moisture, chemicals, and other contaminants so cleaning is required less frequently
  • Spills, messes, and general dirtiness may be easier to see and therefore cleaning is more targeted
  • Increasing the floor’s durability so it holds up against foot traffic and potential impact
  • Adding friction to floors, making them slip-resistant to keep workers safe
  • Cleaner floors improve air quality, boost morale, and help your businesses comply with industry standards and regulations

Choosing the Right Flooring Solutions for Your Commercial Kitchen

The only question now is this: Which type of flooring will you choose for your commercial kitchen? There are several options available, and none is inherently better than the other. Your choice must be based on your kitchen’s needs. Ultimately, though, all commercial kitchen floors should promote safety, sanitation, and comfort, all while looking great.

Some of the best and most popular flooring solutions are:

  • Polyurea coatings (Penntek) -- Penntek polyurea floors do everything epoxy does but better, offering more visual versatility, physical flexibility and durability, slip-resistance, protection against chemicals, longevity, etc.
  • Vinyl -- these cost-effective, anti-slip options can be pre-treated for infection control, provide additional comfort for workers, and facilitate minimal maintenance.
  • Ceramic Tile -- when glazed with glass, ceramic tile coverings are easy to clean, highly durable, and can be fashioned to look like other materials and textures such as wood.

Keeping Your Commercial Kitchen Clean Starts with its Floors

The condition of your commercial kitchen floors set the stage for the condition of your kitchen as a whole. Make things easier on your staff and yourself by updating your floors. At Anderson Painting, we offer commercial concrete flooring solutions for homes and businesses in all industries, including installation, repair, and replacement. For more about us and everything we do, call us today at 919-610-1855 or email us at info@andersonpaintingnc.com!

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