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Why Garage Epoxy Paint May Not Be the Best Option for Your Active Home

calander Jun 17 , 2022 user-iconAnderson Painting

If you run a busy home, no space is safe from stomping feet, falling objects, and all sorts of debris – not even your garage. Sealing your garage floors with high-quality coatings with help you protect this area from all this activity. Plenty of people opt for epoxy floor coatings for their durability, ease of application, and aesthetics. However, there are more garage floor covering options available to you than you might realize, and epoxy isn’t necessarily the superior choice. Let’s explore why garage epoxy paintthough a viable flooring solution – may not be the best option for your highly active home.

Epoxy Coatings Require Regular Maintenance

If you want to keep your garage floors in decent shape for a long time to come, you’ll have to invest in regular maintenance. That said, the amount of maintenance required to preserve your floors is partially dependent on their composition. Bare concrete floors need plenty of scrubbing due to their rough, porous surfaces. Epoxy coatings diminish these maintenance requirements by delivering a smooth, dust-resistant surface – still, you’ll want to stay on top of sweeping and scrubbing to maintain the epoxy’s color and sheen. Penntek polyurea floor coatings require the least amount of maintenance of all. Keeping a Penntek floor clean is easy, which is good news for anyone dealing with regular messes inside their home.

Epoxy Needs Replacing Every Few Years

In slow, peaceful conditions, epoxy coatings can hold up for quite some time before requiring replacement. When subject to high levels of activity, however, epoxy often needs replacing within 2-3 years of application. In the grand scheme, these few years don’t add up to much, and when it’s time to re-coat your garage floors you’ll likely wish you had invested in a more enduring option, to begin with. Penntek polyurea floors reign supreme in this department, too, lasting more than 15 years even under the harshest conditions (with proper maintenance). And the longer your garage coatings last, the more you’ll save.

Epoxy Takes a While to Cure

The long-term durability of your garage floor coatings shouldn’t be your only concern for your active home. You must also consider how long it takes for said coatings to dry and cure before they’re ready for use. Highly active homes have only a short window of time before shoes and tires wind up back on the garage flooring. Unfortunately, epoxy coatings remain sensitive to pressure up to 48 hours following application. It typically takes 2-3 days before it’s safe to place objects back on an epoxy-coated floor after it’s dried, and 7-10 days until it’s safe to drive on again. Conversely, Penntek coatings can be installed in just one day and start drying instantly – this quick-drying feature makes application more challenging but it also results in a much shorter wait time so you and your family can get right back to your routine.

The Verdict: Penntek vs. Epoxy

Epoxy coatings remain a viable and popular choice for garage floors all over, but Penntek polyurea coatings offer superior durability, style, convenience, and longevity, making them the best garage floor covering for most homeowners (especially those with active homes). It’s no wonder that Anderson Painting recommends and installs Penntek coatings for our residential and commercial customers across Raleigh, NC. To learn more about us and all we do, call today at 919-610-1855 or email us at info@andersonpaintingnc.com!

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