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Floor Covering Near Me: What Spaces Need Extra Protection

calander Apr 7 , 2022 user-iconAnderson Painting
Two chairs outside on the porch of a house

We often take flooring for granted. And yet, we utilize floors more than almost any other feature in our homes and businesses. Floors provide us with a sturdy, even plane to walk, stand, or sit on while also sealing off dirt, moisture, and insects just below the surface; aesthetically, floors tie an entire room together. Because they’re used so frequently, floors are particularly susceptible to wear and tear – without proper maintenance, your floor’s integrity and appearance can deteriorate, diminishing your property value. Floor coverings and coatings provide additional protection to areas that need it most. Any space whose floors are consistently exposed to moisture, sunlight, extreme temperatures, or heavy traffic requires the extra protection afforded by floor coverings. These spaces predominantly include:

Spaces That Require Extra Protection


Typically constructed from concrete, garage floors are inherently tough. After all, these floors must endure the weight of heavy vehicles and any environmental changes that occur just outside (especially if you keep your garage doors open often). Still, even the strongest concrete floors wear down over time. Quality garage floor coverings provide durable, secure, aesthetically-pleasing protection, keeping out moisture, minimizing the effects of thermal shock, increasing floor flexibility, and more.

Patios and Porches

Whether your outdoor leisure space is wide open, enclosed, or somewhere in between, certain environmental effects will take their toll on its flooring. Sunlight and temperature changes present the biggest threats to all types of porches and patios – precipitation is an additional threat for outdoor areas without shelter. The regular movement of patio furniture can also scratch up these floors. As such, installing a protective floor covering is crucial if you want your outdoor space to retain its beauty and strength.


Though basements don’t deal directly with environmental threats like garages, patios, and porches, they’re still affected by environmental phenomena, namely humidity. Basements are surrounded by soil and, therefore, by groundwater. A well-sealed basement and functional sump pump will guard against leaks and flooding, but water vapor will still make its way into your basement through even the smallest breaches. These high humidity levels can take their toll on your basement flooring if it’s not protected with the right floor covering. Installing a vapor drive and dehumidifier is also helpful for protecting not only your floors from moisture intrusion but also the rest of your basement – doing so will help prevent mold and mildew growth.

Kitchens and Bathrooms

The winner for the wettest area in your home or business is usually a toss-up between the basement, kitchen, and bathroom(s). While basements must contend with the effects of groundwater, kitchens and bathrooms deal with plenty of water in other ways. You can expect water and other liquids to splash on your kitchen and bathroom floors on a frequent basis, often at high temperatures and velocities, too. In commercial and residential kitchens alike, a kitchen floor covering protects floors from moisture and debris while also preventing slips, trips, and falls – the same goes for bathrooms.

Finding the Right Floor Covering in Raleigh, NC

In a perfect world, we would protect all flooring to the utmost degree with state-of-the-art floor covering solutions. Since this goal isn’t feasible for most homeowners or business owners, it’s important to prioritize floor protection in the rooms that require it most, which includes garages, outdoor living spaces, basements, kitchens, and bathrooms. Anderson Painting can help you enhance and protect all of your floors with Penntek polyurea floor coatings. To learn more about us and all we do, call today at 919-610-1855 or email us at info@andersonpaintingnc.com!

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