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Top 5 Residential Projects to Tackle in the New Year

calander Dec 2 , 2022 user-iconAnderson Painting
Outside of suburban house.

The end of a year is the perfect time to reflect on everything you’ve accomplished over the past 12 months and prepare for the year ahead. And if you’re like most other homeowners, there are probably a handful of projects you weren’t able to get around to last year that you’re determined to tackle this time around. Your new year’s resolutions are bound to look different than anyone else’s, but certain projects are commonly found on people’s to-do lists. Let’s outline the top five residential projects to tackle in 2023 (if you skipped them in 2022).

Top Five Residential Projects to Tackle in 2023

1. Interior Painting

Home interior painting is one of those projects that can get brushed aside year after year for several reasons. For one thing, interior painting usually isn’t that urgent – if you periodically clean your surfaces and otherwise maintain your interior paint job, you might not need to repaint your rooms for 10 years or more. Plus, the only people who will see your interior paint job include you, your family, friends, and guests. In other words, your interior paint job won’t impact your home’s curb appeal or neighborhood reputation in any significant way.

Still, it’s a good idea to repaint your rooms every now and again to refresh any loss of color and protect surfaces from damage. Or, if you’ve grown tired of your interior design, you might want to introduce some new paint colors to your space. No matter your motivation, the start of a new year is the perfect time to invest in a new interior paint job, especially considering you can tackle this project during any season.

2. Exterior Painting

Unlike interior paint, exterior paint is vulnerable to environmental threats like sunlight, moisture, wind, debris, pests, and more. As such, exterior residential painting must occur more frequently than interior painting (every 3-7 years, depending on your environment and other factors). If your home was due for a fresh coat of outdoor paint last year but you never found the time, make it a priority for 2023. Fortunately, you have plenty of time to plan for this project, as exterior painting can only take place when the weather is consistently warm and temperate. Plan for some time between early spring and mid-fall to paint your home’s exterior and reap the rewards of enhanced curb appeal for the new year.

3. Siding Repair

Painting shouldn’t necessarily be the only residential project on your docket this coming year. A fresh coat of exterior paint won’t do much for your home’s curb appeal if its siding falls apart. Because siding repair is also an outdoor project, however, you won’t be able to get to it until things have warmed up. But the sooner you fortify your siding, the better. Homes with loose, deteriorated siding endure significant energy loss and discomfort due to poor insulation. Fortunately, winters in Raleigh, NC are usually relatively mild. Still, the last thing you want to do is suffer a scorching Raleigh summer with shoddy siding.

4. Carpentry Services

Where there’s wood, there’s an opportunity for maintenance, improvement, and, in many instances, repairs. Whether your deck could use some reinforcing or you’re looking to replace your home’s interior or exterior trim, there’s a whole host of carpentry jobs to consider this coming year. Wood siding repairs and replacements are included in this category as well. Taking good care of these wooden features year after year will extend their longevity and boost your home’s overall value.

5. Concrete Floor Refinishing

Don’t forget about your floors this year, either – concrete flooring, in particular. These features can be easy to overlook since they’re always underfoot, but your residential concrete floors deserve as much attention as any other feature inside or outside your home. Sealing your basement, garage, or patio floors with high-quality coatings such as Penntek polyurea chip coatings can transform your spaces, greatly increase floor durability, and reduce the amount of maintenance you have to perform on your floors over the long run.

New Year’s Residential Resolutions

Odds are at least one of the projects listed here could easily make your new year’s home improvement list. Don’t wait to plan your upcoming projects. Look for reliable local contractors today. At Anderson Painting, we’re happy to help our residential Raleigh, NC, clients every step of the way with painting, siding repairs, carpentry, flooring, and more. To learn more about us and all we do, call today at 919-610-1855 or email us at info@andersonpaintingnc.com!

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