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The Best Commercial Paint Sprayer and Techniques

calander Jan 18 , 2022 user-iconAnderson Painting

There are many ways to paint a surface, and there’s a time and place for each method. Rollers are ideal for covering large interior surfaces, and brushes work well for cutting in edges, reaching tight spaces, and touching up spots with precision. Spraying is another option, though it’s usually best left to the professionals. While spraying is a highly efficient way to deliver paint to a surface, the wrong approach can result in uneven coats, messes, wastage, and respiratory risks. As such, it’s important to know a thing or two about different spray paint techniques and tools. Indeed, there’s more than one type of spray painter out there, and each one comes with a unique set of advantages and drawbacks. Let’s explore these different sprayers so you can select the best commercial paint sprayer for your needs.

What Are the Different Types of Paint Sprayers?

Paint sprayers can generally be broken down into three main categories: airless, compressed air, and high-volume, low-pressure (HVLP for short). None of these commercial paint sprayers is inherently superior to any of the others. Rather, each type of sprayer is better suited for specific scenarios. Below, we’ll go over the pros and cons of each paint sprayer and determine their best applications.

Airless Paint Sprayers

Airless sprayers operate via an electrical pump. When activated, the pump applies high pressure to the paint reservoir, forcing it out of the small nozzle at rapid velocity. Different nozzle tips can be attached for different coating purposes, such as varnish, stain, lacquer, and so on. Most airless sprayers are relatively easy to understand and operate, so even inexperienced painters can achieve a beautiful paint job with them. On the other hand, airless sprayers create a fair bit of waste, as paint particles can easily get caught by the wind and float away during application – this wastage can lead to plenty of messes on windy days, too, causing paint to end up on surfaces you didn’t intend it to. If you plan on using an airless sprayer for exterior projects, then exercise caution.

Compressed Air Sprayers

Compressed air sprayers are the most widely known types of sprayers out there. These systems consist of a spray gun, compressor canister, high-pressure hose, and regulator. The regulator gives you control over the amount of airflow you apply so you can find the optimal pressure level for your needs. Compressed air sprayers are usually readily available to rent or purchase, and they’re less expensive than other spray alternatives in most cases. Unfortunately, compressed air systems lack in the efficiency department as well, requiring significant paint to function. It’s also crucial to protect your eyes, nose, and mouth when operating a compressed air paint sprayer to avoid injury.

HVLP Sprayers

The most efficient of the commercial paint sprayers, HVLP systems minimize waste by providing a consistent air volume from start to finish. This consistency makes for fewer messes as well, rendering HVLP systems ideal for smaller interior painting projects. Most HVLPs are less expensive than airless sprayers, too. The one major caveat regarding HVLP sprayers is that they’re best used for thinner paints (i.e., primers, stains) – these systems aren’t always powerful enough to effectively distribute thicker coatings like latex or high-gloss paints (unless you go with an industrial HVLP sprayer, which is far more costly).

The Verdict

So, what’s the best commercial paint sprayer available? The answer depends on the goals and needs of your project. Airless sprayers can take some getting used to, but they’re great for covering large spaces in little time. Compressed air sprayers are relatively easy to use and optimal for smaller projects. Lastly, HVLP sprayers are the best option for beginners, keeping potential messes at bay and offering an efficient solution for interior spraying projects. At Anderson Painting, our painters are well-versed in all paint application devices, and we know which sprayers to use in which scenarios.

To learn more about us and all we do, call today at 919-610-1855 or email us at info@andersonpaintingnc.com!

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