Commercial Painting Services You Need Going into the New Year

calander Feb 4 , 2019 user-iconAnderson Painting
Commercial wall painted blue

It’s a brand new year and therefore a great time for businesses to fix up and/or beautify their storefronts and offices. The winter months can make some of these projects difficult, but plenty can still be done to prepare your commercial space for the spring and beyond. Here are some commercial painting services you need as 2019 takes off.

Commercial Painting Services You Need This Year

Interior Painting

The new year is the best time to give those walls a fresh coat of paint. Most businesses (save for fitness centers) experience some slow down from January through March. Even in places like Raleigh, NC, colder weather, grey skies, and short days keep many people indoors. With the holidays over, people tend to stay away from shopping centers.

If you own a storefront, this lull in traffic presents the optimal time to hire Raleigh painting services to either freshen up the walls or introduce some new colors for a brand new 2019 look. Anderson Painting will do what we can to work with you and your schedule so that you can be back open for business in no time – and better than ever.

Exterior Painting

In the northern areas of the U.S., it’s advised that exterior painting take place in the late spring, early summer, and early fall. This is because optimal exterior painting conditions take place in moderate temperatures and dry air. Raleigh, NC, however, generally experiences warmer temperatures, even in the winter months. This gives businesses a much larger window to hire exterior painting services. If the weather allows, businesses should invest in these services for the new year.

While interior painting enhances a business on the inside, exterior painting entices potential customers to come in and see what the place is all about. A beautiful exterior also makes a great impression on business partners and clients, while increasing the market value of the commercial property. Anderson Painting contractors won’t just paint the outside, either. Our people will look for any damage or rot that needs to be addressed as we go. This way, you can rest assured that your entire exterior will look better and be more secure for the new year.

Power Washing

For Anderson Painting, power washing goes hand in hand with exterior painting. We make sure to power wash the exterior and let it dry before we begin painting. This allows the paint to better adhere to the surface and also rids the exterior of any mold or mildew. Even if you feel your business doesn’t need a new paint job for 2019, hiring Raleigh power washing services once a year is an important step for keeping it clean, beautiful, and safe.

Start 2019 On the Right Foot

Though the new year is a somewhat arbitrary date, the concept matters in our society. It symbolizes the start of something new. It’s always best to start anything on the right foot. For your business, this means investing in the the necessary commercial painting services to keep customers and clients coming back all year long. Anderson Painting and Power Washing is here to help you do it the right way. To learn more about us, call us today at 919-610-1855 or email us at!

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