Lead Paint Remediation in Homes: What to Know Before You Hire
You might have heard a thing or two about lead paint before—you might also think that lead paint is an outdated concern. For newer homes, you shouldn't have much to worry about. Older homes, however, are another story.
Studies have shown that ingesting the dust from lead paint can lead to severe health issues, including brain damage. While it became illegal in the U.S. to manufacture lead-based paint in 1978, several homes built before then still contain significant amounts or traces of lead paint. Regulations passed in 1996 require that property owners disclose information regarding lead-based paint to tenants and new buyers.
If a home with lead paint needs drywall paint repair or renovation, proper remediation steps must be taken to ensure the dust doesn’t harm the individuals inside the property. These steps can only be taken by professionals. If you live in Raleigh, North Carolina, there are some Raleigh Painting services that can take care of this for you. But before you hire a lead paint removal or remediation service, here’s what you should know.
Your Contractor Must Be EPA-Certified to Remove Lead Paint
Removing lead paint from a home is a delicate process that requires the proper tools, expertise, and safety precautions. Only contractors who are authorized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with Lead Abatement Certification are legally allowed to perform such a task. To obtain this certification, service providers must pass a rigorous inspector course. To become a supervisor in this area, one must also achieve a certain level of education and/or years of experience in the field. Anderson Painting is proudly certified in lead-based paint remediation.
There are Multiple Ways to Remove Lead Paint
The next thing to know is that there is more than one way to remove lead paint and reduce the risk of lead paint exposure. The two main categories are removal and encapsulation.
Removal, of course, refers to getting rid of all lead paint surfaces entirely. This can be done in a few ways. Contractors can use friction via wet sanding to remove lead paint from surfaces. They can also remove lead paint with a heat gun. In either case, the particles must be properly captured and enclosed. Workers must make sure that no dust lands on any other surfaces of the home.
Encapsulation involves painting over the lead paint in order to prevent lead particles from leaving the surface and being ingested. Encapsulants come in different materials, such as epoxy or polymer options. While this process is relatively cheap, quick, and effective, it may only be a temporary solution, as the coat will wear off over time.
Cleaning Up Is Just as Important
Before hiring a lead paint removal service, know that the cleanup process matters just as much as the remediation process itself. Lead paint particles are microscopic and can spread if not handled properly. Therefore, your contractor should remove dust as they go and do a final deep cleaning before considering the job done. This includes cleaning up paint chips, vacuuming and cleaning floors, avoiding direct contact with skin, etc. Anderson Painting contractors understand how crucial these final steps are to the safety of your property and will thoroughly clean the area before leaving.
If you own new property or a home built after 1978, you probably don’t need to worry about lead paint. But many Americans live in places older than this. If you’re concerned about lead paint, don’t just hire any Raleigh house painters. Hire a service provider certified in lead paint removal, like Anderson Painting. For more information on our services and credentials, call us today at 919-610-1855 or email us at info@www.andersonpaintingnc.com!